Saturday 8 December 2018

Celeste : A lot More Than Just A Puzzle Mountain Climber

Firstly, sorry it's been some time since the last article about games... cause I have been playing games..(I love games can't control it and you know it cause you do it too)... so moving one Celeste is a game I recently finished (not entirely 100%) which is developed and published by Matt Make games (The Guys who made TowerFall).. the game released in January this year ( yeah I played it way late okay?)... and it received a lot's of praise for its design and story (I mean game has 10/10 on steam and 9/10 on Metacritic and ratings didn't go below 8/10 on anything... which is Surprising in 2018).
So I decided to give it a go... I am blown away by it, to be honest... and if you haven't played it please play it you won't regret it... it has something for all kind of gamers challenges, deep storytelling, unique gameplay you name if you want to know more about it keep on reading...

The Story {minor spoilers ahead}

The Story of Celeste starts when our protagonist Madeline (You can change the name if you want) arrives at the Celeste mountain with the decision to climb the mountain and meets our first NPC of the game who lives on the mountain granny (she a bit mysterious kind of person) she warns Madeline and questions her decision to climb the mountain tells her that she may see things on the mountain she is not to see.

But Madeline ignores her and keep on going... Madeline keep climbing the mountain and reaches a camp where she meets another fellow climber Theo who is there for selfies? and tourism I guess (you remember that friend who posts a lot of stuff and pics he's that guy) and you take a selfie and talk a little about him and yourself revealing some of your past.
Then Madeline has a dream in which she proceeds into the mountain and finds a mirror from which a spirit like something escapes and we also get another glimpse of what happened in the past to her.
Later... Madeline found out that spirit who claims to be a part of her which escapes and Madeline realizes that Celeste is no ordinary mountain it has strange powers.
Then as the story continues you meet another and I think last NPC Mr.Oshiro who runs Celeste resort on the mount Celeste which hardly has any visitors and he got excited to see you and tries to keep you in the resort... but that's not how it ends.
Then we keep on climbing the mount Celeste and meet the NPC's again on the way reveal some more background about them... when Madeline reaches near the summit things get bad and she hit rock bottom (Sorry can't reveal major stuff don't want to ruin your suspense) then she rises up again and with little help climbs the mountain again and reaches the mountain and then she bakes a pie for everyone with the strawberries she collected along the way.
A year later she gets a call from granny that she found a cave and Madeline arrives again at the mountain to explore the secrets of the cave (can't tell you the secrets cause I don't know them either).

That's the complete story of Celeste minus the major spoilers... the great thing about Celeste is its storyline handles topics which are very hard to tackle and even hard to take on with a game like this...kind of platformer game yet developers beautifully weaved them into the game.. and those topics are Depression, Self-esteem, Inner demons and social media etc... it's amazing how they tackled the topic in between the will be amazed too.

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Gameplay {hard but not unbeatable}

So the gameplay is a big part of Celeste and you will realize as soon as you start playing it... it's tough as nails but not too much you have to navigate Madeline through a series of traps and puzzles to complete the chapter seems easy enough right?... well let's say it is an easier said than done type situation... they get harder as you progress through the level.. you can die when you touch any of the spikes and game will reset to the start of that section which basically starts at the bottom of that room only thankfully (because you are going to die a lot).
Madeline can perform a midair dash like hollow night and grab and climb on to a wall for a certain period of time before stamina runs out... will also gain a second dash later in the game but till then you have only one to use on everything... the dash can be only used once and must be reset by standing on ground or hitting objects like dash crystals etc.
There's a lot more than just traps and puzzles as all chapters also feature a certain amount of strawberries to collect which require you to really push it as a strawberries count collected only if you hit the solid ground after collecting them they change the ending based on the number of strawberries you collected throughout the whole game (I m sure they also have some achievements for those things too).
There's also a number of other things hidden throughout the levels like blue hearts which unlock post-game content and a tape with unlocks Side B of the chapters which are kind of tougher version of the the chapters (cause originals weren't challenging enough) and if you really push the limit's when you complete all side B levels Side C of chapters got unlocked which is tougher but shorter version of chapters.
And if you are thinking don't you get bored by all this answer is nope cause they push things after each chapter by adding new and additional no getting bored in this game that's for sure.
That's all about the gameplay of Celeste.

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The System Requirements {This thing can even run pretty well on a low-spec PC}

OS: Windows 7 or newer
Processor: Intel Core i3 M380
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Macintosh operating systems
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD 4000
DirectX: Version 10
Storage: 1200 MB available space

The Conclusion

The game is amazing no doubt about that and I also give it 10/10 because it's worth it. They made a masterpiece which I recommend everyone to play at least once because the journey you got through while playing that journey of self-discovery can be life-changing and also can be very relatable of our daily lives Go ahead and play it.. you won't regret the decision.

That's all for Celeste I must take my leave now... cause I still have to beat the four kings in Dark Souls... Love it so much..XD see you guys soon.

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