Sunday 18 February 2018

Vampyr: A Bloody Adventure.

If You Ever Wanted to be an awesome vampire and brutally suck the blood out of people keep waiting because that's never going to happen (Yet at least). But as you are waiting so desperately, Someone with same feelings made a game so you can control your hunger for blood. Vampyr is an awesome game coming out on 5th of June this year and is very praised and one of the very awaited games. If you are really a fan of awesome vampire killing people with awesome vampire powers this game is for you.The game is developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Focus home interactive.

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What we know till Now the game is set in vampire capital of all time which is 1918  London (Most vampire movies are set in London I think vampires really love British people). The game makes us live the life of doctor Jonathan E. Reid who faithfully done his job of saving people until someone made him a bloodsucking vampire and his hunger for blood made him suck the blood out of innocent people.
So Jonathan who is now a full-time vampire and a part-time doctor also decides to become a part-time detective so he can know his targets habits behaviors and work schedule and the right time to suck the last drop of blood from his targets but there are different kinds of cults also who are against you and want to kill you.(Including vampires who look like werewolves Hey! This seems like male version of Underworld ) so story revolves around him and his targets mostly and little gang wars against other cults as far we know about the story.

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The game's gameplay is what you exactly expect from it having awesome vampire powers and trying them on your enemies if you are really serious about saving people lives and be a good doctor the game considered you too the game can be finished without killing anyone which also unlocks one of four different game endings.
The game has a semi-open world structure which is a web of old British houses. Every NPC has their own routines and pasts. If the player wishes anyone can be a target for them and player can turn people into vampires and get invitations to visit a house, which will have consequences and will affect the citizens of London.
If the player chooses to kill the victims they tell the player their final wishes. Drinking human blood unlocks new vampire powers like quick healing with crafted medicine and the ability mesmerize can determine the behavior of weaker targets like making them reveal secret information or guiding them to less suspicious places to make it easy to feed on them.
you can use plenty of melee weapons in the game like a saw or a pistol and other many craftable weapons, weapon improvement is possible due to looting items from victims you kill.
The player's health bar drains while using vampire powers in combat which forces him to feed on humans.
The vitality attained from feeding on a human player will be able to boil other peoples blood and cast blood spears. 
Player has shadow powers and can use them to reach enemies quicker and spring to them (Vampire boost allow the player to cover big distances usually out of reach).

It looks like we have very nice games coming this year including this one if you like hack and slash or vampires give it a try.
let us know in the comments what you think about it.

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